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Student Financial Assistance Program

A woman wearing a blue shirt sits at a table with her finger on a trackpad.

Glenbrook High School District 225 offers a student financial assistance program that includes free and reduced-price meals and additional financial support to those eligible. Financial assistance consists of two classifications: free and reduced. Students eligible for either of these classifications will receive access to the benefits outlined per Board Policy 4:140 – Free and Reduced Price Food Services and Waiver of Student Fees.

In order to receive free and reduced benefits, a parent/legal guardian will need to submit a completed application for the student financial assistance program. Applications may require evidence of household size and income. A new application shall be required each school year.


Eligibility for the student financial assistance program is primarily determined based on household income guidelines established each year (described below).

Additionally, the following student populations are automatically eligible for the student financial assistance program:

  • If you now receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) or Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) for any of your children
  • Foster children

Information regarding student financial assistance applications or program eligibility is confidential and only shared with appropriate school personnel.



Families interested in applying for the Student Financial Assistance Program may apply by completing the Student Financial Assistance Application.

Download Application

Individuals who deliberately misrepresent information as part of an application or investigation regarding the student financial assistance program may be referred to enforcement agencies or other appropriate authorities for prosecution under applicable state and federal laws.


In order to receive free and reduced benefits, a parent/legal guardian will need to submit a completed application for the student financial assistance program. Applications may require evidence of household size and income. A new application shall be required each school year.

If you now receive SNAP or TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) for the student(s) for whom you are applying, the application must have the student(s)’s name, a SNAP or TANF case number for each child and the signature of an adult household member.

If you are applying for a foster child, the application must have the student’s name, the students’ “personal use” income and an adult signature. If you do not list a SNAP or TANF case number for the child(ren) for whom you are applying, then the application must have the student(s)’ names, the names of all household members, the amount of income each person received last month and where it came from, the signature of an adult household member and that adult’s last four digits of their social security number or the word “none” if the adult does not have a social security number.

With your completed application, please include one of the following evidence supporting a household income at or below the levels listed below:

  • The most current Federal Income Tax Return (if parents file separately, they each must submit their respective return). Or, if you haven’t filed yet, you may submit a copy of your request for an extension as well as copies of your W-2(s), and, if employed, two most recent pay stubs.
  • If unemployed, a Statement from the State Unemployment Security Office indicating the amount of benefits you are currently receiving.
  • Notification from the State Unemployment Security Office indicating that you are no longer eligible for benefits.
    Additional documentation that must be included for income sources outside of employment:
    • SSDI/pension/Social Security pay subs
    • DHS Letter with case number indicating receipt of Public Aid

The District is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Ave., SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964.



Glenbrook High School District 225 offers a student financial assistance program that includes free and reduced-price meals and additional financial support to those eligible. Financial assistance consists of two classifications: free and reduced. Students eligible for either of these classifications will receive access to the benefits outlined per Board Policy 4:140 – Free and Reduced Price Food Services and Waiver of Student Fees.


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Katie McKeown

Enrollment Specialist