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Archive of Stories, News and Announcements

a brown and brass gavel sitting on a wood grain table

During the January 8, 2024, the Board of Education approved revisions to policies 2:10 Policy - Organization of the Board of Education, 4:30 Policy - Revenue and Investments, 6:183 Policy - Driver Education, 6:300 Policy - Graduation Requirements, 7:260 Policy - Exemption from Physical Education, and the addition of 5:116 Policy - Employee Health Care Benefits Access.

Read More about Board of Education Approves Revised Policies at the Jan 8, 2024 Meeting
a brown and brass gavel sitting on a wood grain table

During the August 17, 2023, the Board of Education approved the addition of 6:140 Policy - Education of Homeless Children; 6:340 Policy - Student Testing and Assessment Program; 7:15 Policy - Student and Family Privacy Rights; 7:100 Policy - Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students; 7:260 Policy - Exemption from Physical Education; 7:285 Policy - Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program.

In addition, they approved revisions to 7:196 Policy - Academic Integrity Violations; 7:270 Policy - Administering Medication to Students; 7:305 Policy - Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries; 7:305 Procedures - Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries; 7:340 Procedures - Student Records; 8:12 Policy - Social Media and sunset 8:12 Procedures - Social Media.

Read More about Board of Education Approves and Sunset Policies at the Aug 17 Meeting
Three girls wearing welding protective coats and making welds in welding booth.

GBN has offered its students the opportunity to learn the craft of welding since 1959. For the first time, seven female students are taking part in this elective course. Students learn about different methods of welding, including arc welding, which uses electricity to melt metals. The goal is to train students to become welders rather than to train them to think project-based. In addition to receiving HS credit, students can also receive college credits through Oakton Community College as part of the district's dual credit program. 

Read More about Seven Girls Enrolled in GBN Welding Program